Perhaps a quick recap on how this site has evolved since going 'public' on July 2005?
Unfortunately, that will most likely be a snoozefest. What is worth reading on this site has already been archived and can be accessed via the numerous links at the left sidebar. My film reviews, literary articles, webcomics and other miscellaneous stuff. After all, it is always rather unfair to count the 'highlights' of your life, since some will be unhappy that I left them out of the 'highlights'. Hence they will start disputing my choices, and because I am such a nice guy, I will put them in as 'highlights', even though they aren't exactly my 'highlights', which will render things pointless.
There are some who had been following this site when it was some random personal blog back in July 2005, there are some who just started reading this when it became more literature and film-centered during the past two months, and some who started reading this during various moments of this site's existence. There are some who are desperately wanting to seek either their daily dose of Dawn Yang or Tammy of NYP, only to walk away disappointed when they realize that I am not exactly exploiting their names happily like others do. You are reading about my birthday via this site, so chances are, you don't really know me in real life, because this site isn't exactly known to that many real-life friends of mine. It's an unfortunate habit of mine to constantly maintain a line between my personal life and my cyber life. Therefore, I assume you are mostly readers and visitors of this site, and some of you may have regularly communicated with me via MSN. To those who have been reading this regularly for months, I thank you for your continual support, for those who have just started reading this site, I thank you and hope that what is here is enough to maintain your interest so that you will return in the future, to those who have stumbled here randomly via search engines and happen to read about my birthday in this entry, I thank you for this rare and unexpected visit.
My birthday was an uneventful one, except for hearing the news of Crash's unexpected victory in the Academy Awards (to the outrage of millions and millions of film sites out there). Crash is a feel-good crowdpleaser, Brokeback Mountain is a controversial uncomfortable tearjerker, Crash is easier for one to enjoy, yet I know that Brokeback Mountain is the more important, and by far the more critically-acclaimed film of 2005. Perhaps it will be remembered as the Raging Bull of the 21st century, or Goodfellas. Crash is enjoyable, and it has won the Oscar, but Brokeback Mountain is the film that has integrated itself deep within contemporary culture, and I believe it will remain more so than Crash. However, Ang Lee becoming the first Asian ever to win the Best Director award is a joy, his versatility and sheer skills will make his future films something to look forward to. And we'll be glad that he's not the type who recycles tricks... like tossing in pigeons, or slow-mo gun fights featuring people holding guns in each hand etc. So yeah, I'm sure he'll appear in future Oscars.
Most people tend to like giving shoutouts during their birthdays, I would've done the same, but I am really uncomfortable with leaving people out, therefore, I will say that I am giving YOU, yes, YOU, who are reading this, a shoutout. Like I said, thank you for reading this entry, if you've made it this far.
Given my lofty godlike status, my birthday might've been a bigger deal, but I didn't have internet access for the past few days. This entry should've been posted on my actual birthday yesterday too, but my university's pathetic piece of shit internet system's been down. But at least it's still 6th of March in certain countries. I hope.
Tags: oscars, brokeback mountain, academy awards, Movies, Crash, Film, birthday, ang lee