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Thursday, August 11, 2005

The sort of film reviews on blogs that annoy me

Me Swifty, me watch movie and me review now.

(Insert movie poster here)

This is story of, me don't know how to type properly, me now copy and paste synopsis from Yahoo Movies so you can read. LOL! OmFG! WTF!

Now, me will insert nice nice piccies from picture that I got from Yahoo Movies. OMFG, WTF! RoFL!

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Date Watched: Me no remember. Me wuz veli drunk.

Genre: Porn Powerful FAMILY drama.

Starring: Lindsay Lohan, Olsen Twins and Hilary Duff.

Directed by: Edmund Yeo

Rating: 4 out of 4 stars (within this bracket is the place where me will now finally post my own thoughts. just one sentence. me dunno what to post, me think first. oh, me think hilary duff iz pretty! me wanna marry her! Lizzie Mcguire iz my favourite show! I luv the movie zo much! Oscar stupid! No vote her for Best Actress! Oh, me haf said many many sentences, me headache.)

Now I will ping ping ping until every1 see me review diz film! LOLOLOLOLOL!