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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rest in peace, Fat Yau 肥耀, 一路好走


几天前知道他得了骨痛热症进了院。 没想到昨晚就走了。

大家都称为“肥耀”的他, 有份参与《榴梿忘返》, 饰演伟伦这个革命分子角色。

其实, 他也为剧组介绍了许多特约演员, 天天负责载送大家去现场。 没有他, 就没有《榴梿忘返》了。

我第一次认识他, 是2013年的11月份, 那时候我们正拍摄胡明进执导的《偷·情》。 他饰演一位杀人不眨眼的缅甸出家人。 虽然只是短短一场戏, 身为制片的我觉得他非常投入自己的角色, 很肯定是超爱演戏的人。 所以就邀请他参与自己执导的处女作《榴梿忘返》。

拍摄之前, 他率领着那一班演员来我家开会, 阅读剧本。 我也简简单单的与他们说出我自己的要求。 拍摄时间非常短, 我们没时间彩排, 剧本里面也没有好好的形容他们的角色, 我只能希望他们能好好自由发挥了。 因为那是我一般的做法, 就是信任我的演员, 主角也好, 配角也好, 跑龙套也好。 都是靠他们自己的创作力, 自己的想法。 若我觉得不对劲, 我会调整他们。

“好! 那么我们自己’执生‘(靠自己)了!“ 肥耀对着他带来的演员们说。

“嗯, 就是这样。” 我回答。

然后肥耀就与演员们一起离开我的家, 我听着他对他们说: “大家一起去附近的档口喝茶, 联络感情!” 他果然是大家的头儿!

拍摄的时候非常顺利, 他也非常专业。

最后一次见到他是去年的八月, 在我家附近的咖啡厅喝茶。 那时候我们都知道《榴梿忘返》入围东京影展的主竞赛单元了。 我就准备要去曼谷进行电影最后的调色, 混音等等。 肥耀就跟我说, 自己很想要拍一系列的YOUTUBE搞笑视频。 但是也很想继续参与像《榴梿忘返》或《偷·情》那类型的文艺片。

我说我可能想拍一部延续《榴梿忘返》几位主角们的故事。 肥耀说他希望可以再次饰演伟伦那个角色, 因为太好玩了。 我们俩都笑了。 我跟他说, 一切都很模糊, 我还没想好故事。 想好了会跟他说一声。

肥耀一直都很想看《榴梿忘返》, 但现在都没那个机会了。 这电影, 也突然变成肥耀留给我的回忆。

人生无常, 就是这样子的。 所以每一天也是珍贵的。 肥耀带给我们很多幽默与欢笑, 这些, 我忘不了。

肥耀, 一路好走。

Loo Sheng Yau, who played the student activist Wai Loon in RIVER OF EXPLODING DURIANS, passed away last night.

We all refer to him fondly as "Fat Yau". Aside from acting, he also recruited numerous supporting actors for the film, especially the classroom scenes. I'm not exaggerating when I say that, without him, the film would never be completed.

I first met him in late 2013, when he appeared in a scene for Ming Jin's THE SECOND LIFE OF THIEVES. He played a murderous Burmese monk. I was amused by his commitment to the role.

A few weeks after that, I invited him to be in Durians. One afternoon, before the shoot, he came to my house with the cast members he recruited. I realized that in addition to his love for acting, he too, loved sharing his experiences with the others. To guide, to lead, to make sure everyone's going to have a great time.

"Okay guys, the director has spoken to us. Let's go somewhere for a drink, let's know each other more." Fat Yau said to the others as he led them out of my house.

The last time I met Fat Yau was August 2014, at the Hainan Kopitiam near my place. Just before I was heading to Bangkok to finalize the post-production of our film. At the time, we knew the film was going to Tokyo International Film Festival.

Fat Yau told me that he wanted to do a series of comedic Youtube videos, but at the same time, he also wanted to get involved in more "arthouse" works like River of Exploding Durians.

I told him I might do a follow-up film following the lives of some characters in Durians. He said he would love to reprise his role as Wai Loon. We laughed. I told him my story idea was still very vague.
He said he would love to watch Durians when it was completed. Since then, he had wanted so much for us to hold a local screening for the cast and crew. But before I could do anything, he is now gone. He never got to watch Durians. Our film. Our shared memory.

I'm trying to write this as calmly as possible, but in truth, I'm quite sad. He's gone too soon.

Fat Yau smiled very brightly. And he had made many around him smile too.

Rest in peace, bro.

fat yau has been to a better place, thanks for all your love, we will miss him
Posted by Loo Sheng Yau on Saturday, June 13, 2015

今晚,当我们受到罗胜耀去世的消息时感到非常惊讶以及悲伤。被大家都称为“肥耀”的他 在<榴櫣忘返>里出演了伟伦这个角色。Tonight, we were shocked and saddened to receive news of...
Posted by River of Exploding Durians 榴莲忘返 on Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rest in peace Fat Yau. Your smile always brightened up a hard day.
Posted by Kong Pahurak on Saturday, June 13, 2015

见过很多次面,每次他都很热情地打招呼,喊我名字,我都回个大笑容给他,感觉很亲切,好像认识了好久好久似的,但我却一直… 不懂他的名字,只记得他的笑脸… 直到有一天活动上碰面,我们合影时,我说:我们见过好多次,但我还没知道你的名字… 他眯着眼睛说:叫我肥耀。当时的画面 也都是充满笑声的。今天心情有点沉重,再加上看见这消息…我们还是得坚强,肥耀,一路好走。
Posted by Joey 梁祖仪 on Sunday, June 14, 2015

Posted by Daphne Low on Sunday, June 14, 2015

Posted by Ah Sun Tin on Saturday, June 13, 2015

Posted by Ahblue Ahblue Ahblue on Saturday, June 13, 2015

我们合影的机会不多。 也就这两张照片了。
We never had the opportunity to take that many photos together. Maybe just these two.

Posted by Kayce Koh Chin Hui on Friday, February 14, 2014

A photo posted by Ode to my M6 (@odetomym6) on