In the past week since our horror short film DOUBLE was posted on YOMYOMF, the responses had been surprisingly positive. I liked reading the speculations from the viewers. (watch it if you haven't done so already)
We grew up in an environment where films exist solely for entertainment, thus everything is explained, spoonfed, and the like. Anything more oblique or ambiguous is condemned or dismissed. So I'm quite surprised that the audiences on Youtube were willing to go into all sorts of discussions over the film.
Occasionally, on Tweeter, I answered questions about the film.
(don't read it if you haven't seen DOUBLE.)
@omfgmdht Girl kills mom. Girl grows up, haunted by guilt. Possibly went back in time to change history. But things are not so simple
— Edmund Yeo (@greatswifty) October 14, 2012
Despite being involved in the writing of the film (and the editing), my interpretation of the film shouldn't be regarded as the gospel truth. The author shouldn't really try to force audiences to react to his works the way it was intended, otherwise we would live in a very boring, colourless world. (I say that cos' I watch some films for irony)
However, if you are still interested to know what was going in the minds of the creator behind this short film, go check out DOUBLE director Woo Ming Jin answering 5 questions about the film from the YOMYOMF blog.
1. How did you come up with the concept for DOUBLE?
The idea for the film came up while my producer and I were watching Kubrick’s THE SHINING. I wanted to make an existential horror film that played within the genre conventions but with a little difference. Most horror films are shot at night or in darkness. I wanted to make a film whose primary color was white, and in daylight. So we conceived the idea of a girl living in a strange house with her mother, whom she wanted to kill. I see DOUBLE as a meta-existential horror film. I guess I wanted to have some fun.
It sure was fun. Now, I share more stills.

The two leads of DOUBLE, Carmen Soo and Candy Lee

Preparing a gory, bloody scene
BTW: If you look carefully at the credits, you'll notice that the executive producers of DOUBLE include Justin Lin (director of FAST FIVE and also owner of YOMYOMF Youtube channel) and NBA star Baron Davis (whom I liked a lot. Still dazzled by memories of that epic playoff series against Tracy Mcgrady's Orlando Magic where he averaged a triple double, and also that amazing series where he led the 8th seeded Golden State Warriors to an upset victory over the top-seeded Dallas Mavericks, I watched Game 6 over and over.)
Once again, if you folks would like to discuss or ask questions about DOUBLE, you can leave a comment, or just tweet me.