My dad just told me that today's The Star had an article about the BMW Shorties' 10 finalists. So I went to check out The Star Online.
All 10 short films went “live” yesterday on www.bmwshorties.com.my where viewers can cast their votes for their favourite flick. The finalist with the most votes will receive the People’s Choice Award.
BMW press and corporate affairs manager T. Vijayaratnam said the winner will be announced on May 15.
The other finalists are filmmaker Shanjey Kumar Perumal, freelance artist Nazim Mohamed Esa, freelance production designer Law Gwo Yunn, multimedia designer Lim Kean Sang, drama instructor Lee Eng Keong, corporate account manager Choong Hui Shen, film producer Yeo Yee Haeng, filmmaker Mohammad Izwan Kamal and film student Wan Mun Hon.
It's great to be mentioned. Though I guess it was a mistake of mine to not mention specifically that I should be credited as 'EDMUND YEO' during the submission of the film back then, so everyone wouldn't have to suffer with my unpronounceable 'YEO YEE HAENG'.
If some audiences have bothered to pay attention, they'll probably wonder why I'm sometimes listed as a film producer, and sometimes as a student. Haha.
On the other hand, Eyeris had also posted a 'non-review' of CHICKEN RICE MYSTERY on his blog, which is totally worth reading, and flattering. :D
Eh I thought the theme is H2O?
Why chicken rice wan?
Talking about the chicken rice soup is it?
Or maybe the artsy shots of water dripping,
And the shots of water in the lake.
So random wtf hahaha.
Once again, you can watch CHICKEN RICE MYSTERY at the BMW SHORTIES site.