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Thursday, April 24, 2008

KLue writes about BMW Shorties Finalists. Yeo Yee Haeng is Edmund Yeo

Father and son having dinner
The Father and The Boy in CHICKEN RICE MYSTERY

Seems that KLUE had a short write-up on the BMW Shorties finalists.

Selected by a strong panel of judges that included the indie director -Tan Chui Mui, the thespian - Ida Nerina, last years winner- Abdullah Zahir bin Omar and filmaker - Raymond Red, this years finalists all made films around the theme of H20. The films include, Shanjey Peumal's Broken Bangles, Moe Izwan Kamal's Goat, Law Gwo Yunn's Seven Squared, Nazim Esa's For the Love of Drowning, Mahaletchumi Tavamany's Sing in the Rain, Lim Kean Sang's Dissolve, Lee Eng Keong's Going Home, Choong Hui Shen's F.L.O.W, Wan Mun Hon's Cold Water and Yeo Yee Haeng's Chicken Rice Mystery. The films include a boys quest to investigate his mum's strange behaviour, a little girl's journey to keep her fish alive, 4 guys stuck in a house with no water and the a story of underwater love and its dynamics.


Heh, felt a little weird to see myself credited as YEO YEE HAENG instead of EDMUND YEO in the article. When I first saw that name of mine on the BMW Shorties site, I had to request for them to change my name back to EDMUND YEO. Mostly because I've been using the latter for my filmmaking, and, well, YEO YEE HAENG is really unpronounceable ('Haeng' is supposed to sound like 'Hung', not 'Hang' nor 'Heng' nor 'Ha-Eng') and from primary school to secondary school, and I cringed everytime a new teacher butchered my name.

Heck, during my graduation ceremony in Murdoch University, Perth, last year, I pumped my fist when my name was called not because I was joyous about the graduation, but because they miraculously got my name right.

Of course, til this very day, most of my friends I knew before college still call me 'Yee Haeng', and I did put this name, in Chinese 杨毅恒, for the end credits, so it's not as if I'm entirely severing my own roots. Just that I'm giving everyone an easier name to remember, and not have to suffer with a tongue-twister like 'YEO YEE HAENG'.