Legendary filmmakers Ingmar Bergman and Michelangelo Antonioni had just passed away on the same day. Ingmar was 89, Antonioni was 94.

Ingmar Bergman

Michelangelo Antonioni
Justin had recently posted about the awesome ending in Antonioni's ZABRISKIE POINT.
Guess it's time for me to dig out films by these filmmakers when I have the time.
So far, I never had the chance to watch anything by Ingmar Bergman, but I did buy a THE VIRGIN SPRING DVD at Shanghai earlier this year.
As for Antonioni, I've seen BLOW-UP on DVD (Justin's) two years ago. Liked it, didn't love it, but it lingers. Dad has quite a number of Antonioni films, so it's easier for me to check them out though. Kinda sad that the first Antonioni work I've ever seen was his segment in Eros, which, obviously, didn't impress me much.
Ingmar Bergman's SEVENTH SEAL trailer
1998 Criterion trailer of Michelangelo Antonioni's L'Avventura (... pretty horrible trailer)
Haven't had time to update the blog much. Shoot has resumed for this telemovie I'm involved in (as production manager/assistant director and editor), so been absolutely busy, but this is too big a deal to ignore, seriously.
So, any fans of these two filmmaking legends?

Ingmar Bergman

Michelangelo Antonioni
Justin had recently posted about the awesome ending in Antonioni's ZABRISKIE POINT.
Guess it's time for me to dig out films by these filmmakers when I have the time.
So far, I never had the chance to watch anything by Ingmar Bergman, but I did buy a THE VIRGIN SPRING DVD at Shanghai earlier this year.
As for Antonioni, I've seen BLOW-UP on DVD (Justin's) two years ago. Liked it, didn't love it, but it lingers. Dad has quite a number of Antonioni films, so it's easier for me to check them out though. Kinda sad that the first Antonioni work I've ever seen was his segment in Eros, which, obviously, didn't impress me much.
Ingmar Bergman's SEVENTH SEAL trailer
1998 Criterion trailer of Michelangelo Antonioni's L'Avventura (... pretty horrible trailer)
Haven't had time to update the blog much. Shoot has resumed for this telemovie I'm involved in (as production manager/assistant director and editor), so been absolutely busy, but this is too big a deal to ignore, seriously.
So, any fans of these two filmmaking legends?